Thursday, December 20, 2012

YBC KIDS NEWS Holiday Edition : Shopping Tips

I am SO PROUD of my after school kids!!! Recently we have been working on a news broadcast.  Everyone selected an on-camera and off-camera responsibility such as Cameraman and Anchor.  
The children also wrote the script and created our props. This project allowed the us to work as a team, display individual creativity, as well as practice their oral communication skills. 
This is our 1st broadcast, so it is not without minor mistakes but the kids did an AWESOME job!

Please take a moment and enjoy, YBC NEWS Holiday Edition!

Friday, December 14, 2012

YBC KIDS Fun Fridays Skits

Kids enjoyed creating funny skits on the playground...take a look!
 "Sugar Rush"

"The Little Old Lady"

Monday, December 10, 2012

YBC KIDS Sharing is Caring!

YBC KIDS Community Service Project 2012 

Turkey, Roast Beef, & Ham Sandwich - Chips

Juice Boxes & Desert

The kids made all the sandwiches & bagged the chips

Raja & Ms. Yolisa organized packing the lunches

With 50 bags to pack the girls jumped in and helped


MUST Ministries Elizabeth Inn Marietta, GA

James and the staff of MUST were thankful for the lunches and reusable tote bags.